Monday 6 May 2013

Meet the Bannock Lady!

Althea Guiboche, also known as 'The Bannock Lady', joined us in our classroom this morning!
She has been helping Winnipeg's homeless for a while now, making food for them and bringing them warm clothing in the winter.  Althea explained to us how she got started, and how her small beginning has grown into feeding over 300 people every Thursday!  That's pretty amazing!
She also spoke about her interest in writing; 
she has been published in ten different anthologies / collections!
She left us with a powerful message: always have a kind heart and never look down at people.
Our class wants to help Althea, because feeding that many people every week can be expensive.  We made a list of items that she uses a lot, and we plan on bringing some in to help her out!
We need:
-baking powder
-canned goods (especially beans for chili!)
-dried pasta noodles
-bottled water
-any kind of paper or styrofoam plates/bowls/plastic utensils/napkins (all for serving)
Any donations would be greatly appreciated, and Mrs. Waters will be delivering everything we collect to Althea.

Althea talking about 'Got Bannock' and also about her writing

Here are our last three photos from our #eduphotoadaymay challenge!
#sunshine (taken from Mrs. Waters' deck!)
#upsidedown Our class mascot, Mr. Bananas, is upside down!
#eye We've got our eyes on you! Guess whose eyes these are!

Today was 'Music Monday'! Commander Chris Hadfield sang his song with schools across Canada, live from the International Space Station! We were very excited to take part!
We sang along with the rest of Canada & Commander Hadfield at lunch for Music Monday!

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