Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Kid President!

Our class LOVES Kid President!  If you haven't seen his work on YouTube, please do yourself a favour and go watch some of his videos! He's a very funny kid, and always has a positive message for kids to hear. His videos make us feel good!
Recently he posted a video about what kids need to know about the world; it's like a how-to video on how to be a good human being.  Watch it here:

He issued a challenge to kids to add to his list, and so we decided to do it!
We made our own list and made a quick video!  Check out what we created!

We hope you like it! We'll be tweeting our video to Kid President! We'll let you know if we get a response!  :)  Keep your fingers crossed!


  1. Loved your video, Room 23!! I think I just my show my grade 4/5's and see if they're inspired to make one of their own as well! Awesome job!

  2. Awesome video Room 23! Well done.

  3. VERY touching and inspirational room 23!! So proud of you! I will show my class your video tomorrow :)

    ~Ms. Burland (your awesome next door neighbour!)
